Childfree Legend of the Week – Iris Apfel

Childfree Legend of the Week - Iris Apfel

Launching the childfree legends series with Iris Apfel. The series features childfree men, women, and couples – those who came before us, and those who are still here with us. These individuals and couples have lived their lives the way they want. They are happy, fulfilled, and have no regrets. Don’t forget to sign up …


Who Will Take Care of You When You’re Old?

Here's the Answer To The Question Who Will Take Care of You When You’re Old

Who will take care of you when you’re old? This is one of the most annoying and irritating questions childfree women are usually confronted with.  It’s a question that I always find puzzling because – do you seriously expect a childfree person to create another human being for the purpose of free elderly care? That’s …